Our stewardship drive takes place over the next four Sundays (Sunday 25th September - Sunday 16th October). Do come to as many of the services as you can. It would be great to have you with us on these Sundays as we have important things to talk about for the future of St Luke's church.
Stewardship is a part of Christian discipleship and we all have a shared responsibility to support our church and it's community whether that's through giving time, talents or regular financial support. It is difficult to ask for financial support when we are all concerned about increased living costs, but the church also faces increased costs in order to keep going. As well as day to day costs, we also want to be able to undertake the mission we feel that God is calling us towards in our community of Kew and beyond, and your contribution of time, talent and financial support underpin all those activities.
Your prayers, thoughts and response over the four Sundays of the Stewardship Drive would be very much appreciated.
With every good wish,