St Luke's Church Kew
Where all God’s children are welcome
We have one main Sunday service, as well as occasional services on particular occasions and festivals.
Sunday 11am - Parish Eucharist with Junior Church. All-Age Worship takes place on the first Sunday of each month. Tea and coffee is served in the Church hall after the service.
Monday 7pm - Christian Meditation at St Philip and All Saints (The Barn) Church (Atwood Avenue). This is a service for the whole Benefice, and lasts half an hour. Please arrive in good time. ​
Lent Bible Study: Meeting God in Mark
10-11am on Thursdays at St Luke's, from 15 February until 28 March.
We'll be reading the Gospel of Mark, with the help of Rowan Williams' Lent Book.
For further information, contact the office.
Bible Study
St Luke's welcomes children of all ages. During the 11am service, those children who wish to process out after the first part of the service to continue their worship in age-appropriate groups. The sessions involve a topical bible story, prayers and either interactive play or arts and craft exercises.
The children return to the service for a blessing and to share their work with the rest of the congregation.
Junior Church
St Luke's has a thriving and active Church choir. We meet on Thursday evenings and practise a wide range of church music. During the service on Sunday morning and we sing an anthem during communion and lead the liturgical singing. We sing a varied program on Festival days, Advent Sunday and Good Friday.
Once a month there is an All-Age church band and choir to accompany the All-Age service.